nedjelja, 6. prosinca 2020.

Božićna aplikacija - Christmas car applique


Najviše inspiracije dobijem u predbožićno vrijeme, zato što volim izrađivati razne ukrase za jelku. O tome sam već pisala ranijih godina, pa ovdje možete pogledati neke ideje:

Iako uglavnom pravim viseće ukrase za jelku, evo i jedne prigodne aplikacije, koja se može iskoristiti na razne načine.

 Autić koji prevozi božićni bor svojoj kući, može biti ukras na dječjoj odjeći, torbi, pokrivaču ili jastuku. Mogućnosti su razne, sve je prepušteno vašoj mašti. Umjesto žutog autića, možete upotrijebiti bilo koju drugu omiljenu boju. Zgodna stvar je da ovakvu aplikaciju možete napraviti od ostataka vune ili pamučnog konca koje već imate u kući, i neće vam trebati puno materijala. Koristila sam akrilnu pređu debljine za kukicu br. 4, a još je bolje raditi pamučnim koncem iste debljine. Dužina autića je 12 cm, visina je 9 cm, a Božićno drvce je dugo 13 cm. Koristila sam kukicu br. 4.

 Ovdje donosim foto tutorial kako napraviti ovakvu aplikaciju, pa možda nekom da ideju za napraviti nešto slično. Pattern se može pronaći u mom Etsy shopu, kao i dosta drugih heklanih Božićnih ukrasa.

 Uživajte u predblagdanskoj kreativnosti!


četvrtak, 9. srpnja 2020.

Baby flip flops - FREE crochet pattern

Još jedan besplatan pattern za izradu malih baby japanki u duginim bojama. Baby flip flops Rainbow Crochet PATTERN u PDF formatu može se naručiti u mom Etsy shopu Pletionica (, a u istom paketu nalaze se još dva patterna: baby papučice i baby sandalice, također u bojama duge.

Ako vam ne trebaju sva tri patterna, nadam se da ćete biti zadovoljni sa besplatnom shemom za japankice:

Baby flip flops Rainbow
0-3 months, app. 9 cm foot length

-worsted weight yarn (beige, blue, green, yellow, orange and red color)
-crochet hook 3.0 mm or size needed to obtain gauge

4 stitches = 2 cm or 5 stitches = 1 inch
10 st = 5 cm (2 inches)

Stitches used:
st – stitch
ch – chain stitch
sc – single crochet
hdc – half double crochet
sl st - slip stitch

Sole: (beige color yarn)
make 4 pieces (2 for each shoe)
Sole is worked in the round without turning at each round.
Count your stitches after every round.

Round 1: start with 10 chain, 8 hdc, 5 hdc in last chain. Do not turn.
Work on opposite side, 8 hdc, 3 hdc in last chain, join with sl st (slip stitch) in first hdc (24 sts total)

Round 2: ch 1, 8 hdc, 2 hdc in each of next 4 sts,
8 hdc, 2 hdc in next 3 st, join with sl st in first hdc (total 30 sts)

Round 3: ch 1, 11 hdc, 2 hdc in next 3 sts, 12 hdc, 2 hdc in next 3 stitches,
1 hdc, join with sl st in first hdc (total 36 stitches)

-connect 2 soles with hook (look at photos):
(use blue color yarn to make slip stitches – total 36 sts)

work in rounds, mark 1
st stitch
start - use the magic adjustable ring and red yarn

Round 1: 6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6 total)
Round 2 (orange yarn): 2 SC in each stitch, (12 SC total)

Round 3 (yellow yarn): (1 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (18 total)
Round 4 (green yarn): (2 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (24 total)
Round 5 (blue yarn): (3 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (30 total)

With blue yarn make strap of 150 chains
Pull the strap through the sole. (When pulling the strap to the right sandal, you want to attach it at the top of the beginning chains, slightly off to the left, between rounds 1 and 2. When attaching the
strap to the left sandal simply do the opposite and attach it more over to the right side of the sandal.

Insert the both ends of the strap through the rainbow circle on the upper side and pull it to the opposite end of the round.
Strap should wrap around the baby's ankle.
Connect rainbow circle with a sole on the left and right sides using a needle.

Make one more shoe following the same pattern.

0-3 months (9 cm)
3-6 months (10 cm)
6-12months (11,5 cm)

pattern for 0-3 months (9 cm or 3,5 inches)
start with 5 cm (2 inch) long chain (10 ch)
total 36 stitches

pattern for 3-6 months (10 cm or 4 inches)
start with 6 cm (2,3 inch) long chain (12 ch)
total 40 stitches

pattern for 6-12 months (11,5 cm or 4,5 inches)
start with 7 cm (2,7 inch) long chain (14 ch)
total 44 stitches

Nadam se da ćete uživati u izradi ovih sandalica koje su zgodne kao poklon bebi, a mogu se koristiti i kao ukras, te privjesak za ključeve. 

četvrtak, 7. svibnja 2020.

Morska sirena - Crochet mermaid FREE pattern

Morska sirena  - pola žena, pola riba, lik iz grčke mitologije dosta je omiljena među djecom, kao i ljubiteljima kukičanja. Stoga danas objavljujem besplatni pattern za izraditi lutkicu sirenu. Pattern je na engleskom jeziku, a u nastavku je link na download PDF dokumenta u mom Etsy shopu (za one kojima je draže isprintati pattern).
PDF file u Etsy shopu nije besplatan, za razliku od ove verzije na blogu. Uživajte u kukičanju sirene, a rado bih pročitala i povratne informacije, te pitanja ukoliko ih ima.
Sirenu možete napraviti od pamučnog konca ili vune, ovisi što vam je ugodnije za rad, a u izradi lutkice koristila sam kukicu od 3mm. Lutkica je visoka oko 20 cm. Uživajte u kukičanju (heklanju).

Amigurumi mermaid crochet pattern

Design by Pletionica

Worsted Weight Yarn in colors: beige, blue, turquoise, yellow and small piece of red yarn for lips
Fiberfill stuffing
3mm crochet hook
long tapestry needle

ch - chain
sc - single crochet
Inc - Increase 2 sc into next stitch
2 SCtog - single crochet decrease (work 2 sc together)
st - stitch
Rnd – round

NOTE: -This pattern works in continuous rounds (instead of joined rounds).
-Use a stitch marker (or a piece of the other colors yarn) to mark the beginning of the row
-Remember to stuff all parts as you go, before the holes/decreases make it too small.

Starting at the Top of the Head, using a Single crochet stitch:
With beige yarn make magic ring
Round 1: 6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6 total)
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch, (12 SC total)
Round 3: (1 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (18 total)
Round 4-6: single crochet all around (18 total)

Round 7: (1 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (12 total)
Round 8: (2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (6 total)
Stuff with Fiberfill stuffing

Round 9-10: SC all around (6 total)

Round 11: 2 SC in each stitch, (12 SC total)
Round 12: (1 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (18 total)
Round 13-18: single crochet all around (18 total)

change to blue color
Round 19: single crochet all around (18 total)
Round 20: (2 SC, 2 SC in next sitch) Repeat (24 total)
Round 21: single crochet all around (24 total)
Round 22: (2 SC, 2 SCtog in next stitch) Repeat (18 total)
Round 23: single crochet all around (18 total)
Round 24: (2 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (14 total)
Round 25: single crochet all around (14 total)

Round 26: (2 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (11 total)
Round 27: single crochet all around (11 total)
Round 28: (2 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (9 total)
Round 29: single crochet all around (9 total)
Round 30: (2 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (7 total)
Round 31: single crochet all around (7 total)
Stuff with Fiberfill stuffing before the hole is closed
Round 32: SC (2 SCtog) Repeat (4 total)
Round 33: 4 Sctog

With blue yarn crochet 20 chains

Row 1: 8 SC, 3 SC tog, 8 SC
Row 2: 7 SC, 3 Sctog, 7 SC

Row 3: 6 SC, 3 Sctog, 6 SC
Sew the tail on the bottom of the mermaid body

ARMS (make 2):
Start with beige yarn
Round 1:6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6 total)
Round 2-12: 1 SC in each stitch (6 total)

Stuff with Fiberfill stuffing and sew the arms to the body

Take a yellow yarn or choose a color that you prefer.
Cut yarn into pieces 24 cm in length (about 30 pieces, or more if you want thicker hair)

Fold them in half, and one by one with your hook place them in rows, skipping a stitch between
Put the hook through the stitch and pull the strips of yarn.

FACE: Embroider lips with red yarn and eyes with black yarn.
You can use safety eyes or small plastic buttons.

With turquoise yarn crochet 10 chains
Row 1 – 4: single crochet in each stitch (total 9)
Squeeze in the middle with a piece of yarn.
Sew bikini top to the upper part of the mermaid's body.

Crochet 70 chains with blue yarn.
Tie around the mermaids waist. (Ribbon can also be used as a headband).

Mermaid doll – finished size 20 cm (8 inches)

Please remember that safety eyes and tiny parts are not suitable for small children.
When making toys for younger kids, it is best to embroider the eyes.

srijeda, 12. veljače 2020.

Crochet donkey - amigurumi bez šivanja

Dva magarčića na fotografijama izgledaju dosta slično, no riječ je o sasvim drugačijoj tehnici izrade. Magarac sa prve fotografije izrađen je prije nekoliko godina, tako da se svi dijelovi naprave posebno, a potom se napune i zašiju iglom. Znam da mnogi ljubitelji kukičanja i amigurumija najviše mrze baš to - trenutak kad kukicu moraju zamijeniti iglom za šivanje. I sama nisam obožavatelj ove faze u izradi amigurumija, pa sam odlučila pojednostaviti cijeli taj proces.

 Ovaj Donkey sa druge fotografije upravo je izašao iz radionice i odlučio pozirati na ovoj stranici. Možda vam se čini da ste ga već vidjeli, ali ne. Potpuno je novi, kao i način izrade, koji će poznavatelji heklanja i amigurumija skužiti. Naime umjesto kukičanja (heklanja) dijelova koji se zatim spajaju iglom, ovaj je Donkey izrađen u jednom komadu. Igla i konac bili su potrebni samo za pričvrstiti uši i njuškicu. Pattern za novog magarca još nisam napisala, ali ću uskoro poraditi na tome. U međuvremenu možete naći pattern za sivog magarčića u mom Etsy shopu:

ponedjeljak, 27. siječnja 2020.

Amigurumi FOX - FREE crochet pattern

      Na ovom blogu možete pronaći neke besplatne patterne koji su inače objavljeni u mom Etsy shopu Pletionica  kao PDF file, koji se lako može isprintati. Danas objavljujem crochet pattern za izradu male igračke lisice, također dostupan u Etsy shopu u PDF formatu. Voljela bih čuti vašu reakciju u vezi objave ovih patterna, jer posebno me zanima ima li interesa za uputstva na hrvatskom jeziku. Dosad nisam imala takvih zahtjeva, ali razmišljam o pisanju shema na hrvatskom, pogotovo za kukičane (heklane) igračke i neke druge stvari koje izrađujem, pa me zanima kakva bi bila potražnja na ovom području. Možda objavim i knjigu s amigurumi uputstvima. Koga zanima tema neka mi se slobodno javi u komentarima.
A sad evo obećani FREE crochet pattern, naravno na engleskom, uz Etsy link:

Amigurumi Fox

crochet pattern by Pletionica

You will need:
Worsted Weight Yarn in colors: orange, black and white
Fiberfill stuffing
3mm crochet hook
long tapestry needle
2 black plastic buttons ( app. 12 mm) or safety eyes

ch - chain
sc - single crochet
Inc - Increase 2 sc into next stitch
sc2tog - single crochet decrease (work 2 sc together)
st - stitch
Rnd – round

NOTE: -This pattern works in continuous rounds (instead of joined rounds).

-Use a stitch marker (or a piece of the other colors yarn) to mark the beginning of the row
-Remember to stuff all parts as you go, before the holes/decreases make it too small.

HEAD and BODY in one piece

Starting at the Top of the Head, using a Single crochet stitch:

start - use the magic adjustable ring and orange yarn

Round 1: 6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6 total)
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch, (12 SC total)
Round 3: (1 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (18 total)

Round 4: (2 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (24 total)
Round 5-6: single crochet all around (24 total)

change color yarn to white
Round 7-8: single crochet all around (24 total)

Round 9: (2 SC, 2single crochet together in next stitch) Repeat (18 total)
Round 10: (1 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (12 total)

Round 11: (2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (6 total)
Stuff head firmly

change yarn color to orange
Round 12: single crochet all around (6 total)
Round 13: 2 SC in each stitch, (12 SC total)
Round 14: (1 SC, 2 SC in next st) Repeat (18 total)
Round 15-21: single crochet all around (18 total)
Round 22: (1 SC, 2 SCtog in next st) Repeat (12 total)
Round 23: 2 SCtog in each st (6 total)

Stuff body firmly

NOTE: With tapestry needle weave tail through the remaining stitches (sew up and down around each stitch) and pull tightly to close.


use white yarn
Round 1: 5 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (5 total)
Round 2: 5 SC
Round 3: 2 SC in next stitch, SC, 2 SC in next st, SC, 2 SC in next st (8 total)
Round 4: SC all around (8 total)
Round 5: SC, 2 SC in next st, SC, 2 SC in next st, SC, 2 SC in next st, SC, 2 SC in next st
(12 total)
Round 6: SC all around (12 total)

Top of muzzle:
-use black yarn
-work 5 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (5 total)
-connect with slip stitch and sew to the top of the snout
-embroider mouth with black yarn (use tapestry needle)

-Sew snout to the head.


sew 2 little black plastic buttons for the eyes or use safety eyes


make 4 pieces – 2 orange and 2 black
-with orange (or black) yarn Chain 5
Row 1-2: 5 SC
Row 3: 2 Sctog, 1 SC, 2 Sctog
Row 4: 3 SC
Row 5: 3 Sctog

-with tapestry needle connect one orange and one black piece together
-make 2 identical ears

-Sew with tapestry needle on top of the head


front legs (make 2)
start - use the magic adjustable ring and black yarn
Round 1: 6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6total)
Round 2-8: SC in each stitch, (6 total)
change color to orange
Round 9-11: SC in each stitch, (6 total)

stuff and sew legs to the body

hind legs (make 2)

start - use the magic adjustable ring and black yarn
Round 1: 6 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (6total)
Round 2-6: SC in each stitch, (6 total)

stuff and sew legs to the body


start - use the magic adjustable ring and white yarn

Round 1: 5 single crochet (SC) in a magic circle (5 total)
Round 2: single crochet all around (5 total)
Round 3: 2 SC in each stitch (10 total)
Round 4: single crochet all around (10 total)

change to orange color yarn
Round 5-13: single crochet all around (10 total)
Round 14: 2SCtog Repeat (5 total)

stuff and sew tail to the body

Your fox toy is now completed!

Amigurumi orange fox - finished size 12 cm (4,7 inches)
If you want other toy-size just change the type of yarn and use the appropriate hook!

Istaknuti post

Božićna aplikacija - Christmas car applique

  Najviše inspiracije dobijem u predbožićno vrijeme, zato što volim izrađivati razne ukrase za jelku. O tome sam već pisala ranijih godina, ...